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Civil Rights Law Section

Civil Rights Law Section

Civil Rights Law Section
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Back to Civil Rights Law Section

The Civil Rights Law Section is concerned with all aspects of law and policy related to the improvement of the legal practice in the substantive area of civil rights law, which includes, but is not limited to, violations of rights provided under the constitutions of the United States and Washington state, federal and state statutes, local laws, and regulations; criminal harassment; hate crimes; and immigration matters.

The Section educates and advocates for civil liberties and equal rights in the context of civil rights law and the legal issues of Washington state residents, with particular focus on those who have traditionally been denied such rights and equal treatment under the law including, but not limited to, racial, ethnic, or religious minorities, elderly, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, immigrants, mentally or physically disabled, impoverished, and homeless. The Section provides continuing legal education on civil rights law to its voting and nonvoting members and all interested persons.

For more information on the many benefits of section membership, see the Civil Rights Law Section website. For general questions, please e-mail inquiries to sections@wsba.org.

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