Sponsored by ALPS
This seminar will help legal professionals better understand how to measure representation and hold their organizations accountable to DEI goals by presenting guiding principles for recording, analyzing and reporting staff demographics along the lines of identity. Topics will...
Sponsored by ALPS
This seminar will help legal professionals better understand how to measure representation and hold their organizations accountable to DEI goals by presenting guiding principles for recording, analyzing and reporting staff demographics along the lines of identity. Topics will include the differences and intersections between categories of race, culture, nationality, ethnicity, Indigeneity, and Tribal status, as well as a discussion of gender and sexuality. Participants will come away with practical tools for demographic reporting efforts, including specific recommendations for identity categories and best practices for self-reporting options, as well as a strengthened appreciation for the relevance of accurate and responsible reporting for equity and justice in the legal profession.
Ayanna M. Colman - Washington State Employment Security Department, Puyallup, WA
Elliott Schwebach - Washington State Bar Association, Seattle, WA
11:40 a.m. Webcast Login Opens
11:55 a.m. Webcast Begins
1:30 p.m. Adjourn
For accessibility or accommodation requests, or other questions, please email
cle@wsba.org or call 206-443-9722 (toll free: 800-945-9722).
Seminar Registration Transfers, Refunds and Cancellations: In most circumstances, if you cannot attend the live event, we can
transfer your registration to the on-demand product, once available (8-10 weeks from the program delivery date). Generally, for
webcast/webinar registrations, tuition fees may be refunded, less $25 for processing, for written cancellations postmarked, emailed, or faxed up
to the start of the event. For in-person registrations, tuition fees may be refunded, less $25 for processing, for written cancellations
postmarked, emailed, or faxed by 5 p.m. up to three business days before the event. No refunds will be provided after the dates specified. You
may also send a substitute in lieu of canceling.
When applicable, specific exceptions to these policies will be noted on individual event
registration pages. Please email
cle@wsba.org with any requests or questions.