For webinar technical support, please email aleavitt@aclu-wa.org
Product Code: CR251025WBR
Developed in partnership with the WSBA Civil Rights Law Section
This CLE will cover major issues around voting rights and voting security in Washington. We will cover issues relating to the Washington Voting Rights Act, Washington's process for counting and confirming votes, and other issues in...
This CLE will cover major issues around voting rights and voting security in Washington. We will cover issues relating to the Washington Voting Rights Act, Washington's process for counting and confirming votes, and other issues in voting around the state.
FACULTYLa Rond Baker – ACLU-Washington, Seattle, WA David Montes – ACLU-Washington Seattle, WA
SCHEDULE11:45 a.m. Webinar Login Opens12:00 p.m. Webinar Begins1:00 p.m. Adjourn