Meeting Details

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What to Expect Under the New Administration in Health Care
March 11, 2025
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM PT
1.00 Law & Legal Procedure

$0 - Health Law Section Members
(discount applied at checkout)
$15 - Standard/Non-Section Members
$20 - Join Section
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$0 - Law Students (after adding seminar to cart, enter promo code LSNN and click checkout)

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Product Code: T250311WBR

  • List Price: $15.00

Developed in partnership with the WSBA Health Law Section

New administrations are taking the helm at the federal and state levels, often with opposing views on legal and policy priorities. New and sometimes conflicting directives impact patients, providers, and health care organizations. Plans at the federal level to curtail Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement could significantly impact access to care. The purpose of this webinar is to update health care attorneys on emerging issues and provide practical considerations for them as they counsel their clients. Areas that will be covered include immigration enforcement, reproductive health, gender affirming care, and government payment programs.

Taya Briley, RN, MN, JD - Washington State Hospital Association, Seattle, WA
Jacqueline Barton True, MSW, MPH - Washington State Hospital Association, Seattle, WA
Jeb Shepard - Washington State Medical Association, Seattle, WA

11:15 a.m. Webinar Login Opens
11:30 a.m. Webinar Begins
12:30 p.m. Adjourn

For accessibility or accommodation requests, or other questions, please email or call 206-443-9722 (toll free: 800-945-9722).


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